Reddit热议2020宣传CG:EZ出完女神泪就大了个小兵 1(sebashe)

电竞胡老头 2024-04-25 11:19

Warriors | Season 2020 Cinematic - League of Legends (ft. 2WEI and Edda Hayes)英雄联盟2020赛季宣传CG:《战士》


EZreal with the tear of the goddess and the single minion ult is far too realistic.出了女神泪的EZ就大了一个小兵这也太真实了把


Him leaving the team fight, then coming back for the clean up and credit, I almost thought that was my Ezreal. Only thing missing was the mastery emote.而且他打团打一半跑了,最后又跑回来收割抢人头,我差点就以为那EZ是我了。唯一缺少的东西就是亮我的七级牌子了。


Kai'Sa signals that enemies are missing

Kai'Sa signals that enemies are missing

Kai'Sa signals that enemies are missing

Kai'Sa signals that enemies are missing






you mean coming back to farm the wave你的意思是他回来收兵线的是吧


It’s insanely realistic, Riot turned a soloQ game into their cinematic.

Two teams fighting over objectives while ADCs dick around last hitting and try to look cool



Also way too realistic to see Lux basically stand and waiting for something to happen while melee champs are going at it看见拉克丝基本上就站在那里发呆,疯狂OB,然而两个近战英雄冲进去就干了,这也太真实了。


The whole scene is symbolic of Ezreal no longer being the only champ to build Manamune其实整个片子都象征着EZ不再是唯一出魔宗利刃的英雄了。


When the teamfight begins and Ezreal hits you with that "brb got my tear"团战开始了,然后EZ告诉队友:“我女神泪好了,我回个家。”


· Great climax particularly with Vi and Urgot

· Lux was on the floor for like 2 minutes lmao

· Riot has casually advanced Sylas’s lore quite a bit with the story, skin, and now this (he goes to Freljord, joins Sejuanis tribe, and apparently · leads them to invade Demacia)

· oh no Ezreals going to fuck Kaisa

· 高潮部分处理的很好,尤其是蔚和厄加特的镜头

· 拉克丝在地板上躺了将近两分钟

· 拳头在不经意间已经通过故事,皮肤以及这个新的动画把塞拉斯的传说塑造的更加完整。(他去了弗雷尔卓德,加入了猪妹的部落,然后很明显地带领他们侵略德玛西亚)

· 哦不,EZ要和卡莎上床啦

[-]Seba7290 (该玩家头像为卡萨丁)




Void dad



Yeah mate, you lost that in patch 4.4...但是老铁,你的沉默早在4.4版本就被移除了


Zoe is gonna be mad这下佐伊不得气疯了


Ezreal is turning into a harem anime protagonistEZ走在成为后宫番男主的路上一去不复返了


This is disturbingly accurate. The guy who's terrible with girls suddenly gets one, then all the others get jealous out of nowhere and before he knows it, the dude is juggling 5 different women.



Those visuals were absolutly stunning holy shit, congrats Riot and Blur Studio



This is by far the best cinematic they made in the recent years. Maybe the best cinematic they made. Obviously not talking from a professional view, but this cinematic isn't "Cool, look who is in it." but instead "Omg I want to play this game more." I am curious how many people that experienced the Warriors song back when it released got super chills from hearing it again and new.这应该是他们近几年做的最好的宣传片了,甚至有可能是有史以来他们做的最好的了。我虽然不是专业人士,但是这部宣传片并不是那种让人感觉“真酷,这里面都有谁啊,”而是那种“老天爷,我想加大力度玩这款游戏”的感觉。我很好奇有多少人在Warriors这首歌发布的时候就听过它,这个新版本听起来让人惬意,焕然一新。


I definitely got chills. I was worried at first because I wanted a new song, not a remake from a previous one. But holy damn they nailed it and it is impressive. What a time to be into video games.最后的我心满意足。其实一开始我挺担心的,因为我想要一首新的歌曲,而不是以前的remake。但是这音乐和动画太契合了,太令人印象深刻了。这真是电子游戏最好的年代了吧。



Finally it makes me happy to see so many popular champions that i play in a league video - Lux, Kaisa, Caityln.

Thanks Riot cinematics team.

Managed to show Lux as fragile and then super powerful at once, accepting who she is, not afraid to hold back, taking a stand for her brother and Demacia.

Did justification to Kaisa's helpful, deadly, non interactive quiet, lone heroine persona.

Caitlyn as a deadly sniper when armed, not physical prowess



Urgot went down like a bitch wtf



Uppercut of vi while she isn't wearing her hextech gloves and he's knocked out WHAT没有戴海克斯拳套的蔚直接用天霸横空烈轰就把他KO了?这不逗我呢吗?


She built crit



Oh god oh fuck



Turns out the gloves actually limit her power, like Rock Lee training weights.这样看来其实手套限制了她的力量,就像李洛克的负重一样


Now I want a skin to foil God Fist Lee Sin:

God Fist Vi. No gauntlets, just using brute strength to powerslam anyone unfortunate enough to cross her.



Vi skin with no Gauntlets is going to be released soon. It's called Sett and costs 7800 BE蔚没有拳套的皮肤很快就要发布了呢,交租瑟提,只需要7800蓝色精粹呢。


Don't know if anyone else noticed it, but the Caitlyn Vi scene happens in the same place of their ( Jinx's) splash arts. Look at the big white circle window-like thing.



Holy shit, you have a good eye.您就是虎扑列文虎克?


So acording to cinematic it is probably some kind jail/prison/police precinct.所以根据新的宣传片,这可能是某种监狱,看守所或者警察局


Now we can safely assume that Jinx did a jailbreak in her splashart这下我们可以确认金克斯的原画其实是在越狱。


Let's all take a moment to appreciate the random Demacian soldier that fucking spear tackeled a Freljordian mage so Lux could get her staff back.

Absolute legend.




That's how it looks when a melee minion fights a caster minion有一说一,近战打法师就该这么打


it was nice finally seeing my boy in the flesh but damn they did him dirty with the 2v1能够亲眼看见厄加特感觉真好,但是对面玩不起啊,2打1?


Even forced Vi to buy qss, smh.甚至还逼得蔚出了水银,我的龟龟


no she just wasnt below 25% hp可能是没到斩杀线吧

[-]SolaireoAstorasCaitlyn probably healed Vi right before Urgot popped the ulti



Ezreal and Kaisa struggling to fight voidlings while Malzahar is afk looks about rightEZ和卡莎·甚至在马尔扎哈挂机的情况下打他的虫子都那么难,这很真实


Better question. 2 Adc fights with overwhelming numbers. Where the fuck is the support?有个更好的问题,两个ADCvs一群人,辅助跑哪里去了?


The kaisa is the support卡莎明显是辅助

[-]LordKntEzreal is clearly the ADC because he tries to fuck off while his support fights, then turns around and ults for the remaining 3 HP while thinking "wow I'm so good", so you're 100% right



Bruh, Imagine what a horrifying turn that video would take if Urgot didn't hit VIs Gauntlet with his ult but her body instead .哎,想想假如厄加特如果没击中蔚的拳套,却击中了她的身体,然后整个宣传片变成恐怖片该多好啊。


Then Vi would detach her clothes instead and the video gets even better



They video would go 18 anyway, why not just completely go overload.既然已经18禁了,为什么不做的彻底一点呢


I like the way you think我喜欢你的想法

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